
I have created this online biography-cum-resume. I have built this using Bootstrap 4.

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Programming languages

- C

- C++

- Java

- Kotlin

Familiar Platforms:

      -  Android Studio
- Eclipse


1. Online Resume:

- Published on

- Built resume using BootStrap 4.

2. Study Break Timer App:

- Build using Kotlin.

- Developing this application using Android Studio.

- User can input the time for break in minutes and social media applications used. After the break is finished, the app would lock the social media applications used by user.

3. Android Gaming:

- Developed two games: Tic Tac Toe and Bingo

- Tic Tac Toe on Android as well as using Java swing.

- Bingo on Android.

4. Art Gallery:

- DBMS Project.

- Backend – Servlet

- Front – end – HTML, CSS

- A customer can buy a painting from displayed art gallery.

5. BookMyShow Replica

- Data Structures Project.

- Used Linked List and File operations.

- Implemented in C++.


Topic: Machine Learning with Social Media: Netflix

Guide: Prof. Hitendra Khairnar

View entire report here: Machine Learning with Social Media: Netflix


- 2nd prize in CSI Project Competition for Android Gaming App.

- Completed marketing Internship at Nearoo for 3 months as Chief Campus Ambassador.

- Chief Campus Ambassador at EngineersConnect.

- Organized 2 Android Workshops in Third Year

- Completed internship with Hackedemist for Android Internship of 3 months.

- Published articles for Campus Times Pune.


Completed these Internships during Third Year of Engineering. Click on button to view Certificates.


Chief Campus Ambassador. Handled 3 campuses. On ground marketing Internship. Had to publicize the Nearoo app and get maximum downloads.

Duration: 3 months.

View Certificate


Android Internship. Had to make basic android app using basics of Android functionalities.
Duration: 3 months.

View Certificate